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For the first time in paperback!
You Are 
What You 
Becoming the Captain of You Own Destiny
Perry Midplan
Author of Out With The Old, In With The New

[Page 24]
Chapter 2: The language Of Success

In the last chapter, we established one of life’s great truths and the premise of this book. 

You are What You Project (Another way of putting it is What you Project is Who You Are)

As we saw in the cases of Lisa and Dwayne, a negative attitude is a poor foundation from which to win friends and influence people. (Because who wants to be around a grouch or do favors for a loser? No one!)

On the other hand, with a positive attitude, or what we call “You Inner Captain”, the sky’s the limit. The stories of Rick and Beatrice prove that if you command the world, 
[continued on Page 25]

You are my oyster: now open up and hand over the pearls!

[Page 25]
you will soon find yourself basking in fame, fortune and social popularity, standing at the helm of your own destiny. 

In this chapter, we’ll learn how to speak the language of success, and that’s not just a verbal language, it’s body language too. It’s everything that you communicate to the world, so stand up straight, pull up your socks, and freshen that breath, because YOU –yes, you—are going straight to the top! [Top circled, ‘yes!’ beside it.]

Before we get started, take a look at this chart to see whether you’re speaking like the Captain of you own destiny… or the Cabin Boy. 

(see chart on following page)

[Page 26, book marked with a torn piece of paper with an exclamation point. Graph originally split down the middle between pages 26 and 27. It made more sense for it to be shown in the post complete.]

__________________________________________________ _________________________
| Cabin Boy ----------------> ------------------> ---------------> CAPTAIN |
| I’ll get that for you sir… --------------- -- I’m busy; get it yourself! |
| Minimum wage is OK with me… ------------ - There is no limit to my worth!|
| I’m parched… -------------------------- I am driven to quench my thirst! |
| I’m hungry… ------------------------------- I eat competitors for lunch! |
| What if I lose my hair? --------------- I’ll make baldness irresistible! |
| What if the door of opportunity is locked? ------ I’ll huff and I’ll puff|
| -------------------------------------------------and I’ll blow that door |
| ------------------------------------------------down! Nothing will stand |
| --------------------------------------------- between me and my destiny! |
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[Text on Page 26]
Do you see how the cabin boy is ruled by fear and doubt, whereas the CAPTAIN greets the world with his chest puffed out and his best foot forward? Isn’t it time YOU grabbed your destiny by the horns and sailed it into the 

[Text on Page 27]
sunset? The choice is yours, but remember this: if you’re not the lead dog, the view never changes. Ready to transform your life? Read on…


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