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Episode #340: Blonde Bombshell, by Roy G Biv


[Camera picks up YURI DANNER as he walks through the living room doors and enters the front hallway. He greets SERENA LIVINGSTONE. 

YURI: Well good evening! I never expected you to darken my door. 
SERENA: I want to talk to you about Rory, I know…
YURI (interrupting): You know what? You know that yellow-bellied poor excuse of a man doesn’t deserve your love, Serena?
SERENA: I… I don’t know.
YURI: Of course you don’t. But don’t worry your pretty little head about Rory – he’ll get what he deserves, and I can tell you, my love, it isn’t Serena Livingstone.
SERENA: What do you mean? I love Rory, and I despise you! You used me to seek revenge on your brother – your own flesh and blood – and now you want to drag me down to your level. But I won’t do that. I have more strength than you think!
YURI: Ah, Serena, always playing the femme fatale. Do you really think… 
SERENA (interrupting): Don’t patronize me, Yuri. I’m no longer in your power – I’m free of your evil spell.]

Camera close up of SERENA LIVINGSTONE, MUSIC fades up, camera fades out.

(All of Serena’s lines and the ‘Episode number’ are highlighted in yellow, possibly Mattie emphasizing her role. Due to the change in the message board background, I'm showing the yellow text in orange now so that it is readable against the new white backgroud. ;D)

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Slow pan across dance floor. Focus on LUBINKA HENDRICKS and Roman WYERCWHI. 

LUBINKA: Oh Roman, isn’t this wonderful? Who would’ve dreamed we’d be together like this? I love you Roman. 
[ROMAN: I… I have a confession to make.
LUBINKA: What is it darling?
ROMAN: I love you more. 
LUBINKA: Oh Roman! 

The couple dance for a while longer gazing into each other’s eyes. ROMAN looks around the dance floor and notices SERENA LIVINGSTONE. She is wearing a full length red gown. LUBINKA notices ROMAN’S gaze and frowns. Roman breaks from the dance. 

ROMAN: Oh look, Serena is going to sing! 

ROMAN starts to clap as SERENA walks up to the stage. 

SERENA walks up to the stage microphone. 

SERENA: Thank you, thank you for that warm welcome. 

SERENA turns to the band’s piano player and whispers something. 

SERENA: I’m so very happy to be back in Jackson’s Wharf and would like to share with you a very special song.]

The band start to play ‘I SHOULD CARE’. Camera close up of Serena as she sings, pan to ROMAN and LUBINKA. Fade out.

(‘red gown.’, ‘LUBINKA notices’, and ‘ROMAN breaks from the dance’ are within a large red circle, possibly drawn by Mattie.)

Page 3: (Note: Here I was told that this page would be okay to post since it was in a Nancy Drew Game, but if part of this page needs to be edited out, I completely understand.)

[INT. MIREILLE BLOQUE’S apartment building. Camera on JORGEN STANDISH and MIREILLE BLOQUE lying on couch. 

JORGEN: Mmm, so will you play EVE and tempt me with forbidden fruit? 

MIREILLE holds up a piece of orange and dangles it in front of JORGEN’S mouth. 

MIREILLE: Let’s just say that I might. 

The couple start to move in for a kiss when JORGEN winces in pain. 

JORGEN: Ow… OW! What is that?

JORGEN reaches under his back and pulls out a trophy hidden under the couch cushion. He stares at it in amazement.] 

JORGEN: It’s the Miss Jackson Wharf teen pageant trophy. The one that was stolen from Hulga Huntley’s house last night! But, what is it doing here? 

MIREILLE breaks down in tears. 

MIREILLE: I took it, JORGEN. I took it! All of my life I wanted to win that pageant and I could bear the thought of Hulga getting the title. But please (continued on Page 4)

(‘Eve and tempt’, ‘orange and dangles’ and ‘might’ are within a huge orange stain, possibly caused by Mattie setting a cup on the page.)

Page 4

(continued from Page 3) don’t hate me—I just wanted to be a winner for once in my life. 


JORGEN: Shhhh, shhh. It’s okay. I still love you. And you know what? You’re always a winner in my eyes. 

MIREILLE: You’ve been so good to me, Jorgen. Though the storm clouds of my life, you’re my shining sun. 

JORGEN: For you and me, Love, it’s smooth sailing and clear blue skies ahead!

Camera close up of SERENA LIVINGSTONE who watches the couple with suspicion though a nearby window. Music up, camera fades out. 

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