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 Game #14                                                                      Trailer

Released: July 11, 2006                                           Walkthrough

Abbreviation: DAN                                                                    


Nancy Drew travels to Paris to work undercover as an assistant to Minette, an up-and-coming couture fashion designer. Minette hasn't quite been herself lately. She is never seen without wearing a mask, and she often throws temper tantrums and irrationally fires her employees. She is running dangerously behind schedule and her financial backers are concerned about her ability to complete her work. Has the stress of fame forced her behind that mask, or is there something sinister lurking in the shadows of her studio?

Danger By Design can be purchased at the HerInteractive store and on Amazon. 

Nancy Drew Games are copyright Â©1998-2016. Various content are copyright Â©Nancy Drew Clue Crew 2016.

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