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Legend of the Crystal Skull

Current Assignment: 

What assignment? Bess and I are flying to New Orleans for a long week of fabulous music, sightseeing and food! Okay, so I’m also going to visit Ned’s friend Henry Bolet, but only as a favor to Ned. Apparently Henry’s uncle just died and he had to go down there for a couple of weeks. Ned says Henry’s a nice guy but kind of a loner who might appreciate a little company. So the first thing I’ll do when we arrive is leave Bess at our hotel in the French Quarter and take a cab out to the mansion where Henry’s staying (Ned called him and said I’d be coming). But once that’s done, it’ll be Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler! The only bad news is, the weather’s not supposed to be that great this weekend. But what’s a little stormy weather when you’re in the heart of the Big Easy, right?…Right.

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