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“Aeolus: Master of the Winds”
by: Unknown Author(s)

The ancients believed that Aeolus was the keeper of the four winds. Zephyrus, the West wind, Boreus, the North wind, Favonius, the South wind, and Eurus the East wind – Aeolus held them all captive, releasing them as gales or breezes only when the deities so ordered. His was a somber responsibility, for wind – the rush of air – was vital for producing and maintaining fire. And with fire, all manner of weapons and tools could be forged. 

But sometimes the winds would escape, and Aeolus would have to capture them all over again. 

This was not easy. Not even for someone as powerful as he, for the winds veered about capriciously and blew fiercely. Should one of the winds find Aeolus in his path, he would attempt to blow him into one of the bottomless pits that pocked the world back then.

But Aeolus persevered, sometimes taking one giant step, sometimes two, and one by one he would catch the four winds, and tuck them away until they were needed. Sometimes, to keep him busy, the deities would summon him to lift something that they could not, and he never failed them. 

No wind was too strong, no weight too heavy, for the mighty Aeolus. 

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