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"I Won't Let Our Lighthouse Become a Darkhouse”
August 21, 1992
The Harbor Horn Editorial

Snake Horse Harbor owes its life to the light house that stands beside the channel. The men and women who built it in 1866 realized that a lighthouse would not only warn sailors of the rocky shoals nearby, but it would also advertise their little town’s existence. Its revolving oil lamp would announce to the world: We’re Snake Horse Harbor! Come! Stay! Help us build a thriving community! And thousands did just that.

Today, the shoals are gone, and many people think we ought to start discouraging people from moving here. To some, the lighthouse is a useless, dangerous eyesore. Tearing it down would be too expensive, so they want to just let it fall down. As if that wasn’t bad enough, they want to turn off its light for good.

But that’s not going to happen. If I fail in my current efforts to have the State designate it a historical landmark, then I intend to make sure that the light in its tower never goes out, using my own funds if necessary. If I can just keep the beacon on long enough, I know it will eventually help the people of Snake Horse Harbor see the error of their ways, and realize that our lighthouse is a gift from the past meant not to be toppled, but treasured. 

Hilda Swenson

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