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Dear Ned,

Well, here I am at Captain's Cove Amusement Park, about to try to figure out what's behind all the weird things that've been happening here lately.

First, a horse just disappeared off the carousel one night. Then, a little later, the carousel started spinning around all by itself in the dead of night, as if it were haunted or something. And then last week the roller coaster suddenly stopped in mid – ride for no apparent reason. Nobody was seriously hurt, but the park was shut down until the city knows for sure what caused the accident.

I'm here because Paula Santos, the park's owner, is a friend of dad's. She's putting me up at the Captain's Quarters Hotel, which is next to the park. I'm supposed to head over there right now and meet with a security guard named Harlan Bishop. I hope I don't let Paula down. Wish me luck!

Ever yours,

Nancy Drew Games are copyright Â©1998-2016. Various content are copyright Â©Nancy Drew Clue Crew 2016.

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