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Game #4                                                                                                   Trailer
Released: June 21, 2001                                                                       Walkthrough
Abbreviation: TRT

Nancy Drew is snowed-in at the Wickford Castle Ski Resort in Wisconsin. Not long after she arrived the castle’s historic library was vandalized, and one of the guests was shouting that her room had been robbed.The castle was originally owned by a millionaire who had Marie Antoinette’s tower from the Château Rochemont in France taken apart and rebuilt into Wickford Castle, but the entrance is hidden and sealed off. Nancy needs to explore the castle for clues and find her way into the Queen’s tower.

Treasure in a Royal Tower is available for purchase on the HerInteractive store and Amazon. 

Nancy Drew Games are copyright Â©1998-2016. Various content are copyright Â©Nancy Drew Clue Crew 2016.

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