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Dear Ned,

Remember Sally McDonald, the woman who took those photos dad has up in his office? Well, she just bought a house in Moon Lake, Pennsylvania. A gangster named Mickey Malone built it back in the 20s as his country getaway ( we're talking major fixer-upper ).

Anyway, last night Sally called and said she needed my detective skills. She refused to say why over the phone. Naturally I said I'd drive to Moon Lake immediately. But weird things started happening the moment I pulled up.

First, this big tree fell down behind my car and has me totally blocked in. And then I discovered that Sally's gone! She left a note that suggested something terrible happens here at night. She's supposed to call me from her car.

So here I sit, writing you while I wait for the phone to ring. It's nighttime, and although part of me is dying to know what frightened her away, another part of me is starting to feel a bit uneasy. I'll let you know what happens. 

Ever yours,

Nancy Drew Games are copyright Â©1998-2016. Various content are copyright Â©Nancy Drew Clue Crew 2016.

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