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[Page 1]
11/28 1-3am –
600ft NE of Malone dock.
●Cameo pin
●2 bottles, empty
●5 coins

*Rumor going around lake that Malone house has been sold. Find gold now now NOW! [NOW! circled]

Eddie and Cher—stinky breath! Must brush their teeth. 

[Page 2]
12/5 – 2 – 4:30am
500ft NE of Malone dock

●1 bottle adult beverage [Penelope’s note: This word was edited by me to stay G-rated ], full
● tiara, rusted
●1 key, initials MM

Doggie Check-up Time! 
Dogs to vet in Lewistown.
Appt: 4:30 pm 12/10

Return Titanic to Val’s Video same time – overdue! 

[Page 3]
*Rumor true!!!
Sale of Malone house final. 
Still no sign of gold. 

[Emily drew a box around this]
Time for plan D
(as in Dog)

Xtra treat 4 Cher 4 being soooo gooood. 

12/11 1 – 2:3- am
500 ft S of rocks
●1 silver flask
●3 bottles, empty
●2 plates, slightly damaged

[Page 4]
Too cold to drag. 
Store nets for winter.
--> Take MM key found in lake to Harrisburg, show Chuck. 
[Emily taped a business card to her journal page]
Charles D. Weasel 
Dealer –Appraisal 

get hair done while @ Harrisburg.

[Page 5]
Vet lab reports in – 
All dogs Att ☺

Buy extra Happy Hound Ham Sticks for training. 

[Emily circled this]
*New owner moving in late April.

Order electronic whistle, speakers, transmitter, eye lights (gary’s gadgets + gizmos)

[Page 6]
[Paper clipped business card to journal page]
Gary’s Gadgets & Gizmos
You think it, we provide it

Chuck says MM key special made for Malone in 1931.
gold heist was 1931
Key = gold?

Try in: 
[All marked out]
Tool shed
Malone’s house
(closets? old trunks?)

[Page 7]
No gold!
Tiles on mosaics in tunnel push in and out. Clue to where gold is? Think think think!

[Circled by Emily]
*Sally McDonald, 27, fre-lance photographer

For tunnel kennel need: 
Food bowls
Flea collars

[Page 8]
20% off sale @ Well-Pet’s
doggie beds
squeaky toys
chew bones

[Circled by Emily]
*SM moving in April 19

Work on mosaics one by one. Push every tile. 

[All marked out]
Mosaic 1
Mosaic 2
Mosaic 3
Mosaic 4

Nothing happens! 

[Page 9]
Malone and his stupid puzzles can take a flying leap

Dogs ready for haunting
Wish I could sic them on Malone!!

[Page 10]
*Sally M gone!
Who is Nancy Drew?

Get out nets, repair
Check boat for leaks

[Emily drew a box around this]
ND knows about gold --- must find before she does!!

Phew! What did Bruce and Meryl roll in during exercise time? Might as well give All of ‘em a bath.

Nancy Drew Games are copyright ©1998-2016. Various content are copyright ©Nancy Drew Clue Crew 2016.

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