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Dear Bess:

Remember Maya Nguyen from high school? I'm visiting her in St. Louis! We have tickets to tonight's premiere of the new Brady Armstrong movie, 'Vanishing Destiny.'

It's the last screening ever at the Royal Palladium. This place has been a landmark for almost a century now, in just three days, it's going to be demolished! I wish I could've seen the theater back in the 20's before it was turned into a movie house. All the great magicians performed here, even Harry Houdini!

There's a lot of public opposition to the loss of this historic building. Rumor has it local activists are planning to stage a big protest out front tonight. The theater will be closed when we arrive, but they'll let us in since Maya is covering the story for the University newspaper. Oh boy, a press pass sure comes in handy.

Maya told me she has an interesting lead and we're on our way to interview Brady Armstrong about the controversy now. I know he's one of your favorite stars. Stay tuned – Maya always gets the full scoop! Talk to you soon.


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