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Translated from French to English by Beatrice Hotchkiss



My husband is like an impossible child! I still cannot believe Louis bought this tiara, when the French economy is in so much trouble. I told him I didn't want it! What does he expect me to do with it? I cannot wear it. The people hate me already. They call me Madam Deficit, as if the country's debt were all my fault. I wish I could sell it and return the money to France, but this would embarrass Louis publicly now. If he and I appear divided, the mob will erupt; they'll overthrow the monarchy in no time and we will find ourselves kneeling at the guillotine.


18 DECEMBER, 1788

I have thought of a plan! I will have the tiara dismantled! There is a dear old jeweler, Claude M., in a village near Rochemont who will do it for me. I trust him with my life. Once the stones are removed, Claude will make the ruby, the emerald, and the sapphire into ornamental medallions. These I will scatter across the continent.

The diamond is worth untold millions and must be returned to the French people--but not now, not while the country is tearing itself apart. I will hide it as carefully as I would hide the key to my soul, so that it will not be discovered for generations. Someday, when the medallions are brought back together and my message is decoded, the diamond will be found!

But it will take an extraordinary person...and I don't believe it will happen until the wounds of this Revolution have healed and history has wrought a new, more rational French order of some kind. Finally, when the people's wealth is returned to them, the diamond of misery will be restored to its magnificent beauty.


27 DECEMBER, 1788

Tomorrow I will have my portrait painted by the great Marcel Bonet. I have announced that I will not wear the tiara. Louis is furious. He does not even know that the wretched crown no longer exists! I have sent the emerald medallion to Vienna, to my dear cousin, the Baroness Helga von Hanseldorf, as a token of my affection. The ruby and the sapphire remain in my secret compartment where I keep the journal, but soon I will decide where to send them.


7 JANUARY, 1789

My own court speaks viciously of me and I feel terribly alone. I only hope that someday, years from now, my actions will be better understood. If you are reading this, know that my HONOR shall be BLUE, our COURAGE shall be RED and your LOYALTY shall be GREEN. I wish you well, weary traveler. 

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