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Dear Dad,

Case closed! Mitch Dillon and his boss formerly known as “Detective” Beech are on their way to prison.

The police still don't know his real identity, but his trade in top secret information has been stopped thanks to Aunt Eloise's burglar proof safe!

Daryl confessed to selling information about his father's military projects. Despite the damage this has caused Gray Enterprises, Daryl's father has forgiven him.

Connie returned her trophy, but the Judo Club refused to take it and is opening their competitions to women next year.

Hulk agreed to pay for the damages to the pharmacy and Hal has gotten his scholarship. And I'm headed to the beach where the only cover I'm going to go under is a beach blanket.

See you soon!

Nancy Drew Games are copyright ©1998-2016. Various content are copyright ©Nancy Drew Clue Crew 2016.

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